The Software Solution for Big Bucket Retention Schedules
A Comprehensive Solution for Records and Information Asset Management
iGMapware is a single, authoritative source about all your information assets, from electronic documents, to emails, to hard copies. It offers a:
Single view of information held by all your departments, minimizing department silos and dark data risks
Integrated view of information held by third parties, such as your benefits service providers
Instant snapshot of your information compliance, including privacy, security and business retention attributes
Comprehensive data about your software applications and the privacy and other data that is maintained in those applications
Trusted compliance with views and searches of laws and regulations that govern your data and records.
A Practical Solution
iGMapware is a simple, cloud-based tool requiring no internal technical support:
Easy to set up and update
Quick, permission-based views, so users only see information relevant to their responsibilities (saving them time)
Powerful features, such as workflow and detailed audit trails
A variety of stakeholder benefits, improving buy-in and engagement
Sustainable and evergreen
A Flexible Solution
The iGMapware software is highly configurable and scalable to your organization and your objectives.
Initial Setup and Configuration for Information Governance Services
The iGMapware software is easy to implement. We’re here to provide just the level of support you need. To help you start strong with iGMapware, we offer a variety of installation and configuration services in your one-time setup fee.
Configuration tools
Industry-specific configuration guides with setup guidelines and best practices. It includes numerous tables with indexing that have added value for other organizations.
Basic setup services
The iGMapware software includes hands-on assistance analyzing your inventory and data mapping drivers and needs. It also includes setting up your organizational structure, tables and users in the database.
A customizable training presentation includes a web-based, train-the-trainer session on the data collection and data entry process.
Annual Subscription
iGMapware is available through an affordable, annual subscription based on the size of your organization. Your annual subscription entitles you to unlimited users and ongoing, technical product support. We offer incentives for organizations signs that up for a multi-year subscription.
Request a Quote
If you’d like a quote for iGMapware, our library of baseline records and retention rules, or any of our professional services, contact us today.

Software Design Strengths
Cloud-Based Software
There is no hardware installation or on-site maintenance required, saving you time and money. You can deploy iGMapware immediately.
Zero Footprint for IT
iGMapware can easily be configured and scaled to your organization’s needs without requiring internal technical support. (Seriously!)
Simple, Role-Based Views
To help your employees be as efficient as possible, they only
see the data they need. (No wasting time with unnecessary information!)
User-Friendly Interface
iGMapware has an intuitive, simple-to-use interface. It’s easy to learn in under an hour.
Core Features
Comprehensive Inventory
The records inventory is the central component of iGMapware. Typically, designated employees from each department populate it to create a knowledgebase for true information management.
Numerous data fields give you in-depth knowledge about the electronic and hard copy assets you maintain internally and with third parties.
Library of Baseline Records
Created by our information governance experts, these extensive industry-specific libraries contain the record titles and descriptions that most businesses are likely to have.
Baseline records are a quick and efficient way to build your database, identify inventory gaps and reduce duplicate records.
In order to quick start the inventory process one of our industry baseline libraries simplifies the process so that it takes only hours for each group to add populate their inventories.
Record and Data Mapping
This module lets you associate each category of information in your inventory to a retention rule. It gives you the flexibility to make changes to one rule without impacting the whole schedule.
Here you’ll also find workflow capabilities that make it easy to see where you have gaps between operational needs and your retention rules.
Workflow and Audit Trail
When you turn on workflow, iGMapware automatically tracks all changes made from updates to your inventory, the mapping of citations to rules, the mapping of records to rules, to the deletion of records and retention rules.
This extensive audit trail lets you track all changes made to your information inventory, citations and retention rules.
Configuration Guides and Consulting
Our industry-specific Configuration Guides help you set-up iGMapware to maximize its value while meeting your current and future needs.
Our experts meet with you to discuss your optimal configuration and then you are ready to populate the tables, import legacy data and get started.
Searchable Knowledgebase
Using iGMapware’s built-in search, any employee can view the inventory of information assets and learn which retention, privacy, and security parameters apply.
This knowledgebase can streamline the time and energy spent looking for information, whether by employees, outside counsel or other third parties.
Dynamic Retention Rules
This module is designed for “big bucket” retention rules that will simplify and standardize retention across your organization.
When changes to retention periods are approved they dynamically change the retention periods to the information inventory and data map.
Key Capabilities
Configurable Views
We have many pre-built data views. You can quickly select a view and then filter it by all or selected departments.
This knowledgebase can streamline the time and energy spent looking for information, whether by employees, outside counsel or other third parties.
Flexible Data Indexing
iGMapware includes configurable tables and rich data indexing.
During initial setup, you can collect just a few fields in your inventory and add more later based on your objectives.
CSV Downloads
Want to be able to slice and dice your data in new ways?
With our CSV downloads, you can choose from pre-built reports and easily import them into Excel or another database.
Organizational Structure Changes
iGMapware makes it easy to move some or all of a department’s inventory to another department.
Data Importing
With our data importing capabilities you can import legacy information about your records, data, retention rules, baseline records and applications.
Stakeholder Benefits:
For Leadership
iGMapware gives leaders a big picture view of their organization’s information, so they can help ensure their employees keep compliant.
For Security and Privacy
iGMapware serves as an assessment tool. It gives your security and privacy teams the essential data points they need to reduce the total footprint of high-risk information.
For Internal Audit
iGMapware gives your internal audit team a baseline for auditing information compliance. It also helps the team quickly identify where the risks are, so they can remediate them and continually make improvements.
For Employees
Because iGMapware can be configured to “target views” (only showing employees what they need to know), it makes much better use of employees’ time. They can quickly get the answers they need. Your employees can feel confident in their decisions about what information assets to get rid of and what to keep.
For Records Management
Your records managers have an evergreen software database that can be kept up-to-date with minimal staff resources.
iGMapware gives your records management team one, centralized database that captures all the information needed to comply with privacy, security, and retention requirements.
iGMapware’s ease of access and use helps drive consistent retention practices across the enterprise
For Information Technology
iGMapware offers the foundational components to successfully roll out a content or document management system - and it doesn’t require internal technical support.
With iGMapware, your IT team knows the correct retention periods for electronically stored information (ESI). They can work more effectively with the business to manage ESI.
IT can identify which departments are maintaining records in email and take action to remediate.
For Legal and Compliance
Your legal and compliance teams instantly know where records are located to meet regulatory needs. They also can see where there may be gaps.
iGMapware offers an efficient, time-saving starting point for eDiscovery, including records at third parties
Employees who need to know where the most recent contracts and supporting documentation are located have that information. This helps ensure they’re using the most current and complete records.
For the Governance Team
iGMapware provides your organization’s information governance team with the insights they need to identify risks and areas for improvement, determine priorities, and set policy.